
Durham Tourism Superstar

Visit County Durham in association with The Northern Echo, is seeking to showcase the best in customer service offered to visitors to the county with the annual Durham Tourism Superstar initiative.

The award recognises the dedication and passion of those working in Durham’s tourism industry, and will be awarded to an individual or team who go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure visitors to the county have a memorable experience.

The winner of Durham Tourism Superstar will then be put forward to be considered for the VisitEngland National Tourism Superstar competition for 2024.  Durham has had 3 national superstar winners from Beamish Museum and Durham Cathedral, as well as 3 finalists from Auckland Castle, Hall Hill Farm and Walworth Birds of Prey Centre, representing the high quality of the sector across the county.

Find out who won Durham Tourism Superstar 2024

If you have any queries please contact lucy.wearne@visitcountydurham.org